Monday 31 July 2023

The Motel Room : requested by email


Alex and Megan had met each other at college 5 years ago.

They quickly became best friends and hang out all the time.

There friendship was one of the brother and sister.

There was never any hint of becoming boyfriend and girlfriend.

Which was why everybody was confused when they turned up at the spring break beach rental Cottage 3 days late hand in-hand deeply in love with each other.

Alex and Megan could not understand why everybody was confused as far as they were concerned they had been boyfriend and girlfriend ever since they met 5 years ago.

Nobody not even Alex and Megan remembered what happened on the road trip to spring break.

Nobody had any idea whilst Alex and Megan travel down to spring break they pulled over at a small run down motel.

The hotel was run by an old man who told them he only had one single room left.

Both of them being extremely tired and exhausted from the Road-trip decided to take it.

The room smelled musty but was clean.

There was one rickety single bed a dusty old couch.

Alex being a gentleman let Megan take the bed.

Alex made himself comfortable on the couch as Megan took a shower.

As Alex closed his eyes he had the strange sensation that warm water was trickling over his head and down his back.

He opened his eyes and had a face full of blonde soaking wet hair.

For some reason he was now standing in the shower.

He reached out to small delicate hands that were not his own to turn off the water.

He had a panic scream coming from other room.

He stepped out of the shower not even noticing he was completely naked and female and ran into the other room.

He stood there dripping wet and panic-stricken.

His own body stared back at him and said what is going on.

It was then he caught his reflection in the mirror on the wall and noticed that he was now in Megan's body.

He pulled the blanket off the single bed and try to cover himself up.

He said in Megan sweet soft voice what the hell has happened to us!

Megan sat on the couch in his body saying this cannot be happening body swapping is not real.

Alex walked over to her and sat down next to her.

He said we're probably hallucinating from the damp and mould in this place.

Let's get out of here get to the front desk and get some help.

Megan walked over to the door and found it was locked and refused to open.

Alex came over and tried but he was not a strong as Megan was now.

It took them a couple of minutes to notice that the room was slowly changing around them.

It was becoming more luxurious.

The carpet went from being dirty brown and beige to being good luscious red.

The wallpaper went from peeling and yellow to beautiful pattern of white and red roses and love hearts.

The bed front for a rickety single bed to a massive king-size bed with silk sheets and pillows.

The word honeymoon suite appeared above the headboard and they found two glasses of champagne and a bottle on one of the one bedside tables & box of condoms that were ribbed for her pleasure and a tub of lube on the other.

They sat there just staring at the transformation to the room.

They looked at each other and felt a strange love and horniness towards each other.

Megan in Alex's body found herself turned on with her own body.

She found herself with a massive hard-on.

She found herself with a massive decide to throw him on the bed and to fuck him.

Alex in Megan's body was feeling the same strange attraction.

He looked at his own body with a lustful look in his eye.

He could feel the pussy between his legs getting excited and wet

He found himself with the desire to be fucked.

They no longer cared that they had swapped bodies or the room had changed around them.

They both try to hide and ignore these new feelings they were having for each other.

But 1-hour 22 minutes defining themselves in each other's bodies they were lying on the bed together and naked and enjoying each other's flesh.

It was strange and confusing at first.

Alex found it hard to give up control.

But Megan quickly overpowered him.

She twisted and shaped his little body into any position she wanted.

She fucked his brains out in more ways then Alex knew was possible.

They did not notice as they screwed each other that their brains were changing as well as their bodies.

They were beginning to get each other's memories personalities and attitudes.

Alex found after his third orgasm we've come dripping out of his pussy he was fully mentally female.

He turn to Megan in his body lying next to him and said let me show you how much I appreciate that.

He went down on her.

He played with her balls.

He lick the shaft and the head with his tongue when having the earthy taste.

When she blew her load into the back of his throat he swallowed every drop without gagging.

Over the next 72 hours they fucked sucked licked & excited each other's bodies in ways they did not know was possible.

Knowing they had to meet there friends who would be worried about them.

They disentangled themselves from each other and head into the bathroom.

They could barely keep their hands off each other.

Alex now100-percent Megan slipped on her clothes and did his hair and make-up perfect.

Megan now 100-percent Megan shaved away 2 days worth of stubble before slipped on Alex's clothes.

Megan grabbed the bag like the gentleman she was now and open the door for Alex.

She said Megan you're looking hot today before slapped her little bottom as it wiggled pasta hair.

Alex slipped into the passenger seat as Megan through the bags on the backseat.

Megan climbed into the car.

They kissed lovingly and headed off to meet their friends.


  1. Request story: Tom felt something was wrong with his mother. At first, he thought the death of his father made she act a little odd but now thinks it's something else and he was right. When confronting his "mom" she revealed to be a old man using her "body", the "old body stealer" he saw at the news, a crime lord who runs the city. He promises he would do nothing to him or his mother If Tom would be quiet and doesn't tell anyone. But in fact, he wasn't actually a body stealer but a shapeshifter who steal people lives, and tom' s real mother was kept by the impostor in his house.

    Real mother:

    The "fake" mom:

    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.


  2. AMAZING WORK!! Thank you so much AG! Perfectly executed! Glad i can finally read its no longer stuck in my head!! Hope other people enjoy it just as much as i do!

  3. Damn i would love to see a sequel to this somehow! This is hot!

    1. was there any update on this by chance? i would also love to see a follow up of this amazing story

    2. cant wait to see this sequel, I'm curious about where it will go, good luck! Im sure it will be great

  4. Wowza this ones got me real excited! Such a cool story idea! Love the reality changes and fun they have! Cant wait to see part 2 of this!

    1. sorry things have been hectic for a while and this one sort of got forgotten. I will work on the sequel shortly and try and get it up for you in a week. AG

    2. excited to see this as well!

    3. hey hey M2F just seeing if this ever happened and i missed it!

  5. Caption request by Ajanbahu
    Children were going school one of the boys sitting in bus steals one device from scientist dads lab and we're showing it to his friends suddenly they press a button on device bright flash envelops the bus and everyone in bus turns into sexy young lady version of them but with brain of child now they start playing with their body and starts to flash boobies from Windows to other car driver

    1. thank you for getting in touch
      I will work on that shortly.


  6. Alex and Megan were friends for about five or six years. Then just friends like brother and sister. They had the same basic interests, had some same classes, they had some the same friends more or less. But nothing was between them. They were just friends. But one time at spring break, a couple of them. rented out a cabin for a few weeks.
    Alex and Megan were diving down to the cabin it was late and they needed to stop for a day or so. It wasn't the best place to be, but it was okay for them for a rest. But there no other place to be. Unfortunately there only one room. So they had deal with it. Then room was basic. The room out of style, a old style bed, a couch, a few chairs and a bathroom. So Megan decided to take a shower, and I decided, take a nap. But with that moment, there the sound and light in the room. And in that moment. Alex like being hit by water or rain. As he opened his eyes , he saw a shower head above him, and in that moment he shut it off. He couldn't believe that wasn't his hands. As he step out of the shower. What he saw was the naked body staring in the mirror. Before he could think or react he went into the bedroom. Naked and wet. He saw himself. Standing Infront of him. Alex asked he was, and vice versa. I'm Alex but I'm not him, I seem to be in Megan's body. I'm Megan in Alex's body I think. So they stood there for several minutes. I'm going to the front desk to get some answers. Well you need to get some clothes on. Oh so Megan as Alex gave him a towel and a robe. Then both when to the front desk. And it was closed for the night. SO they returned to they room. It wasn't the same it looked larger and more like a honeymoon suite. And more modern than a country room. So they staring at each other. Megan as Alex was sexually interested in Alex as Megan. And strangely Alex as Megan. After staring at each other for several minutes, Megan/Alex decided to picked up Alex/Megan to the bed. And there a bottle of Champaign and two glasses too. So Megan was horny and so was Alex.
    So they had carnal sex with each other, as each, not for a day two and a half day, So when did each other as each other. Megan now was Alex now. Body and mind sort of. And Alex now as Megan mind and body. They both got dressed as each like what to do. So Megan is Alex now, and Alex was now Megan. While he knew how to shave like done hundreds to time. she knew to put on a bra and panties, and apply makeup. She put on casual dress and low heels, Brush her hair. Just like a you need to apply your makeup and look right. And you a guy. Need to shave that rough look of yours, they both laugher. As they left the motel. Now Megan asked now Alex. You regret lost your womanhood. He said no. Do you miss your manhood. Strangely no. It feel like I doing it for years. Lets get to cabin and our friends. As they arrived both Alex's and Megan seem different. But it could many things. If they friends knew was happening they would believe it.

    1. thank you, I wanted Alex to be sort of out if place, he knew that Alex wanted to be more Megan physically and even biologically. But even admitting it. And Megan was sort of brainy tomboy. That developed later in life. When they switched genders, they had sex as each other, after a few days Alex was a feminine tomboy Megan or maybe a more girly person. And Megan was more at easy as a guy, they get married have children?
