Wednesday 17 August 2022

Th is cannot be happening...

Mark feeling hungover tumbled off the couch.

Still half asleep he wandered into his ensuite bathroom & clicked on the light.

There was a pal taste in his mouth and he decided to brush his teeth before doing anything else.
As he brushed his and here lies and got the shock of his life. There was a young Asian woman staring back at him from the mirror. Impure disbelief and panic here on black hair he now had before reaching down and grabbing the two lumps he now have on his chest. He was pretty sure the two soft mount on hitch were breasts.
He check between his legs to discover his best friend was missing.


He let out a whimper.

He said to himself in a delicate female voice:


He called the emergency services. 

He was taken to a nearby hospital.

They told him he had Asian gender flu.

They told him it was irreversible.