Saturday 16 April 2022

It all Happened one freaking out

Andrew did not know what was worse qaking up in his own mum Emma's body or lying next to her new lover who had morning wood.

He guessed from the feeling between his legs and the used condom on the floor they must have had sex last night.

Not wanting to find out what that was like is slipped out of bed and headed down the hall to his ro.

He opened the door and went in

He sort his own obviously been bed

He walked across the messy room and woke his own body up.

Once it was fully awake the person inside mumbled why am I looking at myself?

He was relieved to know his mother was in his body and tried to explain to her as best he could.

But she only believe it when she jumped out of & saw her reflection in the mirror.

They both did their best to stay caravan not to panic.

They guess they were experiencing a Freaky Friday.

They discovered whatever had affected them had not affected Alan is mothers love.

They both agreed to pretend to be each other until this could be reversed.

That was now almost a year ago and they are still each other's body. 

Emma is loving her new life and rollers as a teenage boy.

She now has a girlfriend and a very active social life.

Andrew on the other hand is now 6 months pregnant with his sister thanks to lose control of his mother's hormones and not using protection which is something he is not happy about.


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