Thursday 14 April 2022

I said I was sorry.

Rebecca had broken into Daniel's last night.

She caught him sleeping and quickly overpowered him and tyed him up.

She told him she wanted her body back and she would do anything to get it.

Daniel was frightened.

He tryed to explain to her there was no way back.

He tryed to get her to understand that it was nothing personal.

It was just a freak of nature and she needed to get on with her life.

She stuck a sock in his mouth and taped it shut.

Before leaving the room she told him she was going to recreate the night & the moment they swapped bodys.

She told him if it did not work this time she would have to try something more drastic.

Not wanting to find out what that was Daniel struggled against the restraints but could not break them.

He cursed how weak & vulnerable he was.

Then he remember to how flexible he was thanks to his yoga classes

He managed to reach the alarm pad with his foot.

3 minutes after hitting the panic alarm security were at his home.

Rebecca was caught and taken away.

Daniel understood why she had done what she had done.

But it wasn't his fault that he was thinking about her his new sexy secretary 3 months ago whilst pleasuring himself in the bathtub.

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