Sunday 6 March 2022

Retirement: requested by Anonymous

78 year old Carlos a body hopping hitman was hired to take out a rather wealthy and influential business man who was causing trouble for a rival.

He used his abilities to take over the young and rather attractive wife of the business man.

His plan was to kill him and leave her to take the rap.

But just after a couple of hours in her young and rather voluptuous body he had changed his mind.

He decided her body was the perfect place to retire to.

He had to come up with a way of getting rid of him that would not put suspicion on her.

He decided to make it look natural and use a poison that would make it look like a heart attack.

So the next day he was sat at the table reading the paper waiting for her husband to come downstairs & have one of the strawberries he had already poisoned.

Morning sweetie anything interesting in the paper?

No sweetie just the usual gossip.

I thought we will have strawberries for breakfast.

You naughty girl you know how horny strawberries make me.

Don't think I don't know what you want for breakfast as he unzipped his pants.

Carlos could not take his eyes off how big the man's cock was.

The female body he was in reacted in a very natural way.

He found himself extremely turned on by it.

He took a strawberry that was not poison from his own plate and sucked on it.

This only serves to make both of them more horny.

He took a poison strawberry and placed it in the man's mouth.

He sat on the edge of the table and exposed himself to him.

he could see the man getting really hard.

He did not know how long the poison would take to work.

He was hoping it was not too quick.

He lay down on the table knickers on the back of one of the chairs and spread his legs.

As the man was licking him out he heard a sudden moan and a cry of pain.

He looked up and saw the man clutching at his chest before falling to the ground.

He finished himself off before calling for help.

After explaining what they were doing to the authority the death was ruled natural.

He inherited everything and is now a happy wealthy middle aged woman with plenty of  sexual partners.


  1. Could you make a story, involving shapeshifting? In this case, a shapeshifter studies for months, a family. He kills the father and only the son survives. He then replaces the mother, she is a hot woman in her middle age, stays with the husband money as his retirement. He is starting to enjoy hers life, tits, pussy and money.

    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.

