Monday 21 March 2022

Look on the positives.


Billy wasn't sure what to do next.
How it happens basically simply just a one-night stand. Just to get a drink or two meet a girl. And probably sleep with her. And that was it.
He was surprised that this girl barely twenty-four, twenty-five, wanted to spend the night together. They had a few more drinks and they spend the night in his room.
They have carnal sex with each other. And that was a few hours.
When he woke up, the next morning. He had a headache, his mouth felt funny, his voice felt funny. Even his hair hurt, his felt funny, he couldn't feel his manhood beneath his shorts.
His shirt, his shorts felt funny, even smooth.
As he stood up and looked at himself in the mirror.
He thought in a haze it was, the girl he saw in the mirror. But he realized it. He was she. He was her. I was wearing a sheer top, and a pair pantie.
Then I saw the note.
My friend if I can call you that,
I am sorry for this, my time to find
a proper person to exchange with.
I know that if you find me, or your
body again. You try to exchange back,
I'm sorry to say, you can't the spell
was a simple one-way spell. And will seal
your being, your essence to the body you are
now inhabitable now.
I like to explain that I never felt like a girl,
not truthy. But the technology wasn't truthy
there to transform me into a true male. So used
this one-way spell to switch our gender, no that
not right to switch our bodies is more right say.
Your wonder who you are now. Well your name is
Bethany Jones, hotel cocktail waitress your about
24 years old. I given you my ID's, document in your
handbag. Plus your phone and a tablet with general
information to blend in as best you can.

As I read it, two or three times again. I couldn't believe it was possible, that I'm a girl, a woman, no another person. At the moment, I was sitting on the floor, trying to make sense of this. Here I am a few hours ago, I was a guy, a man, who met a woman for drink and a one nightery. I woke up, a girl, a woman, I in sense was her. She was me.
Even thou if I could and if the note and accurate, I'm her, she me. What can I do about it. I have only her word for it. I should be freak out, about it but, I'm not did I want this, in some unconscious level that I wanted this.
There are probably several dozens or more thought running threw my mind.
I wonder why, she wanted to be a guy. She looks very, very nice, and possibly pretty, it could be worse. He/she thought. As she started to dress herself like it was a normal thing to do. Do I had time to find these answers, I must get to her job. Before anything else.

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