Saturday 5 March 2022

Game: requested by RJ

RJ his friends Mat, Alan and Emma were playing a board game they found in the attic of the house RJ's family had just moved into.

They noticed there was still some stuff, odds and ends, that could be valuably, other than its old, and be sold to collects. And then they found that board game, for a laugh, a joke, they decided to play it.

So, they play it, all night, they choice the pieces, they move their piece on board nothing seem special, but as the game continued. 

The first rays of morning. Started to pour in the room.

Somehow RJ, Matt, Alan had turned into three horny women, and Emma had turned into a horny man. RJ (Rachel Jennifer), Mattie and Alania don't remember, much. 

And so didn't Eddy (Edward). 

RJ had a vague memory, that her girlfriends are once guy. 

And that gorgeous handsome man. Was once a girl.

But that couldn't be. 

RJ remembered things as a girl, her three friends were girl. 

And he was always that cute boy, that is become a handsome man.

As the finished that they started a new game with the four of them together.

But RJ still can't get rid of that feeling. 

But it didn't matter as RJ started to kiss Ed and them Mattie and Alaina also. 

They all enjoyed it. 

Soon other games will start?

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