Wednesday 1 December 2021

I do: requested by Josef Zápotocky

Sometimes a celebrity just needed a break from their own life and existence.

They just needed to get away and have a normal life for a while.

Josef was working for an agency that provided people to take over your life whilst you took a break.

Josef  was assigned to Katherine Langford.

He could not believe his luck.

He absolutely loves her.

He was going to enjoy spend in the next 6-months in her body.

He was going to enjoy being a rich talented actress.

Halfway through his assignment Katherine Langford in his body and a agency lawyer came to see him with a proposal.

Katherine Langford wanted to keep his body and make the swap permanent.

Josef did not stop to read the contract they offered him before signing.

He was only too happy to be her forever.

Later on he will discover as part of the deal he has to marry Katherine Langford in his body and signed over all power of attorney to his new husband.


  1. I'll correct you a little bit, the picture is Josephine Langford, that's Katherine Langford's younger sister by a year.
