Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Wet dreams.

Peter was doing his best to respect this woman's body until they could find a way to swap back.

But it had now been 7 Days 6 hours and 32 minutes since the accident that caused  them to swap bodies and he did not know how much more self-control he had left in him.



  1. Peter, Peter doing his best. To respect who he is now. He is in a woman body.
    Even since the accident in lab. He was her and she was him.
    It was 7 days, 6 hours, and about 32 minutes, since it happen, he poured thou dozens of papers, flash drives , he checked and recheck them.
    He tried to stay as normal as possible while, her so he dressed her down as possible. But these feels, these urges, of mine, I mean hers.
    There were a couple of things, that he had to reminded himself. That he wasn't really a girl, technically he was a girl , physically, biologically, genetically one. But mentally, emotionally he was still a guy.
    There were times, that he was looking at dresses, and heels. There several times. He at stop himself from doing that.
    And another thing, was he was starting to get horny, really horny. He had stop himself. But he had to stop himself really stop himself. From wearing dresses, to jump some of the cutest guys. On the streets.
    He barely being a girl for a little over a week, and he as tried, really tried not to give in with these urges. How can girls stand this. I have to control these urges these needs. I can't, I can't, but I want to, I really want to. But I need to fix this. I want to be back to myself. But if I have problems, does she have problems too?

  2. Thou he is a girl, a actually girl. There were other things were working to, he may be a certain way. But some the girls nature, desire , need, was starting bleed into his mind. It takes time to control his/her needs, If he can?

  3. lol - Not much self-control left . . .
