Monday 19 July 2021

This cannot be normal? : requested by Anonymous.

William has a secret nobody knew about.

He was one of those rare people who has psychic ability.

He has the ability to take over somebody else's mind and control their body as his own.

As a young man he used to use it to play practical jokes and get to see women naked in the showers.

But now he was a bit more mature and a little bit wiser he was a little bit more selective with who he took over.

At the moment he had taked quite the fancy to his next door neighbour Michael's wife Sarah.

Now every time Michael goes out of town on business leaving Sarah at home alone she finds herself in the most strange and peculiar circumstances.

Like this morning when she find herself half naked in the kitchen masturbating with a pasting brush and sucking on the egg whisk.


  1. Good, thanks!

  2. William has a secret and talent and ability actually.
    How he knew about it, purely accident. It was that moment you had clarity, you wanted to be someone else and you somehow did. Then he was himself again.
    William wonder it he could do it again. And if it last much longer or as long as he wanted.
    But the problem was he didn't really told what to do with did.
    Then again he had that moment clarity. He could take over around person body for a few hours. And did what he wanted with them.
    William was a teenager he looked at Michael's Sara with admiration and lust.
    But he knew that he far to young for her. But with is new abilities. That will change. He wanted for one Michael's business trip that would last few days.
    So choice the morning after Michael leave.
    He enter Sara's body, at the moment she woke he enter her the first time. When he enter her body, she was about, enter the shower. He started to soap himself up. He couldn't believe it. It, it so, so freaking amazing. Was it because I'm a guy, in a girls body. Or she a bit horny now.
    After a few hour being Sara, William leave her body. But the experience last for days.
    And Sara never could figure it about.
    Then a few weeks again Michael had another trip. So he decided another trip in Sara again.
    This time He decide play the kinky housewife. He a few house hold items as sex toy.
    So played again. He couldn't imagine, how turned on, when he did it. He could never be this sexually excided as a guy.
    Maybe, He could it again other girls. Maybe have actual sex boys as a girl. It seem part of him, is slowly slipping away.
    It seem that the longer he is actually a girl. The less of it seem to be a joke , gagged to him. It like each time its less a desire and more being comfortable as the person.
