Thursday 1 April 2021

Time to sell it. requested by Shadow.


Andy was your typical Macho Man.

He was never one for settling down and starting a family.

There was nothing feminine or soft about him.

He drank smoked and rode a motorcycle.

He slept with a different woman every night and never remembered their names.

But that all changed in the wake of the great shift.

As he found himself in the body of a pregnant woman.

At first he was angry and depressed.

He hated everything about his current situation.

He hated the fact that he could not drink and smoke.

He hated having female emotions.

He hated what was growing inside of him that made him feel so much.

But over the course of 6 months he found himself slowly adapting to his new life.

He was no longer annoyed about being a woman.

He slowly started wearing female clothing.

He started taking better care of himself.

He started growing feelings for the baby growing inside of him.

By the time he gave birth he had fully accepted his new life.

So much so he decided to keep and raise the baby which surprised a lot of people that knew him.