Thursday 1 April 2021

Tiktok star: requested by ZCaps

It was just supposed to be a in and out body hop.

I had done it many times before.

But despite that I was not prepared for how wonderful it felt inside her body.

Her body felt so alive and full of energy.

She was so hormonally turned on that it was painful not to play with myself.

I spent a pleasant 24-hours exploring every inch of her body.

I had enjoyed every inch of it and wanted more.

So when it came to relinquishing control over her & going back to my own body I found myself unwilling to do so.

I decided to stay and become this gorgeous tiktok star.


  1. It was suppose to be a quick body hop. In and out a hour or so.
    Like I done many, many times before.
    Just done it for fun, take a little money, transfer it to a cash money for me.
    No harm , no real fowl. They thought they back out , got to drunk, made a mistake.
    But this one, felt different, its not like I was in a girl before. I did them several times.
    But this one was really different. Her body felt different it was like its more turbo changer to the only ones.
    So fully of sexually energy. Her mind is more or less empty. Or she not to think much.
    So I decided to explore her hormones , allot . It seems that her toy turned me err on, easy.
    What became a hour or two. Turned into a 24 hour exploring her body.
    He never, really last this long in other ones body.
    he had to leaving this body, but he didn't want relinquishing it. he was enjoy himself far to much.
    He decided to be her for now, and now he is a gorgeous tiktok star.
    Can you imagine it, I'm be getting turned on, And being paid to do it.
    I wonder if she is still a sleep in her pretty empty. I know I have plenty of room in there , So if I decided to get bored , she won't figure it.
