Saturday 13 March 2021

What to do now? By Rhodry

Anthony wanted to do this girl. He wanted to do it. To this learn athletic woman, in inside a women's locker room. But it was a dream, it was desire. But how could it be. If there was a chance a slim chance. He would take it.

As he closed is eyes an imagine that he was doing it. Then something happen, a strange glow surround him. In developed him. Then every thing when black.
Then when his vision cleared. He felt odd, strange. As he looked around he was on a towel, laid there stretch out.
I saw a phone, I reached for it, there was a manicured hand, with painted scarlet nails grabbed it. There was a massage on it.
Anthony nor say Mary. As you now know. Your me now. Why because, one you wanted me, desired me sexually, two I was a fling , a sexual conquest, three you never love anyone, but your needs and that.
Four I never want to be a girl. Ever, oh could go threw a sex change, but I wanted be a guy, a real guy, not just physically, but biologically, genetically a guy. My emotion were mixed I like being athletically, but the choice.
So knew that you wanted me physically. So you have, you have me physically, biologically , genetically. But emotional state, your mentally state is still the same.
But that will change, your memories, your emotional state change, alter to your present body.
How that is my secret. As the message end. I saw Mary in my body.
I wanted to say something. I tried. I looked at her err him. And I blinked, then thoughts, and memories started to flood into my mind.
What, what happen to me.
Didn't you remember, we did it.
Oh, oh I remember now.
As she picked her phone. The message seem to disappear. she straight herself. And doing some more exercise. She this odd feeling feeling, something was wrong. that she could been someone else. But that can't be true that can't be possible. I was girl, I at she thought as she exercised.
Mary as Anthony smiled, within time. Those thoughts will disappear, she believe that she Mary. Maybe I could do some more things to her maybe she could fall in love with me. Maybe marriage that is for the future!!!

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