Saturday 13 March 2021

He promised he would pull out. By Rhodry

Jeremy was doing his best to concentrate on his lessons. He and many others have actually swap there body to the opposite gender. This was suppose to be for a week or so.

It was to teach them of how its like to be the other gender.
That suppose to be that way. Every since the program existed.
But after the week or two was over. Jeremy was ready to return to himself again.
Somehow it didn't work. Jeremy was still a girl. A girl he was before.
It took them few more days. What happen was rare, the original owner of the body. Missed her period.
Somehow when they switch bodies, her period was early or she forgot to that her pill this month.
The fact that she missed her period and switch bodies. Was a problem. he was about two or three weeks pregnant. And they can't really switch back to there original bodies. Because of the child growing in Jeremy feminine body.
He has to wait for about 6 or 8 more months , until the child is born.
Jeremy is trying do his best to concentrate. He is doing he best, that he could but with child growing inside his body. The added problem, he has no idea. Of being a girl. Other than being pregnant. This difficult at best. His mood swings, his weird eating habits. He wanted to go to college. The problem is that his a girl. And his original body was except her change. And Jeremy wasn't sure that she want to be a girl.
Jeremy is learning to one. But he still thinks that returned after birth.

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