Monday 22 March 2021

Run Rabbit Run!

Scott and Alan were running for their lives.

They had just pissed off the farmer who had two beautiful daughters who everybody wanted.

The first shot from his gun removed their clothes.

His second shot removed their manhood's.

The third shot finished off there transformation from men to women.


  1. Could you do one story about one shapeshifter that likes to prank peoples lives, one day he accidentally kills one single housewife that lives with her son. He replaces her and makes the boy believe that he is his mother and she has shapeshift Powers. When the boy is not there, he uses her nude form, she is a busty woman, and plays with trimmed pussy to relieve the stress.

    1. thank you for getting in touch I will work on that shortly.


  2. Run, run damn it, shouted out.
    Both Alan and Scott, were running, they did something really, really stupid.
    They both wanted the farmer two strangely beautiful daughter.
    They somehow got to the farmer daughters. They manage to kiss him. Get them in the haystack.
    Then the farmer noticed them, they quickly noticed them.
    But before for he could get to them. They quickly ran. But not until they were hit by some strange mist, or light.
    Then they clothes strangely disappeared.
    Then another shot hit them. And there manhood, disappeared, they looked sorta like feminine or androgynous guys, or prepubescents girls.
    Oh, oh my , what , what happen. Why I look so strange.
    You, I, look funny, you, you look like a prepubescent girl.
    Just, Just run, run. He's still coming.
    Then third shot hit them.
    They, they change into girls, they look like girls.
    Run, run damn it. We, we have to get away.
    Why, why happen first our clothes disappear, then we looked like teenaged girl.
    Now, I, I can't feel my genitals. My, my chest. It, it feels funny, strange. It is like I have breasts.
    You, look at me, I, I have them too. Why, why do I sound like a girl
    You, look at me, I'm, I'm a girl.
    They ran as fast, as they naked feminine body could bring them.
    As they enter the edge of the forest they stop.
    Then they noticed the farmer stopped , it was like he was waited for something.
    Man, for a old guy. He, he is fast.
    Would, would please stop. We, we in trouble now.
    Know, kidding Sherlock of course we are.
    Would please shut-up. I can't stand that high pitch voice of yours.
    ME, what, what about you now. As he hit in the arm.
    You, hit like a girl.
    Me, me look yourself. Look at ourselves were girls. Naked girls in the forest. We don't really know what happen to us.
    Yes, we do it, it was that farmer.
    As they were complaining. A voice came out.
    You girls should be out in the forest with out. Any clothes on. Your parents will be angry for you did.
    Even something strange happen, it was like their memories changed.
    Oh, gosh, why, why am I naked, why are you.
    I, don't know, our parents will be angry. If we come come naked.
    Both Sara and Alina wonder if the farmers daughter could lend them some clothes to return home.
    When they both return home. There parents moment didn't know them, but a moment or two. They knew there daughter.
    What was equal strange that, they started to empty the more boyish clothes there at there.
    There mothers were happy, that their daughters to dress and act more like girls. They were happy that their daughter got out there tomboy faze.
    A few weeks later. The met again. And they were surprise that they each. They looks much different so much like girls.
    Sara, she asked.
    Yes, Alina she said.
    Did have that strange dream.
    What strange dream.
    That that we, boys and were kissing the farmer daughters.
    Strangely yes.
    And somehow the farmer caught us, and shot at us. Chased us, we became naked and turning us into girls.
    Strangely yes, but how, why I had that same dream. But how.
    Yes, it is strange. We both had that same dream. Was, was it real.
    I, I don't think so, if its was real hoe, how could come girl, real girls.
    I guess your right. How we not be girls. She said.
