Tuesday 23 March 2021

Its more beautiful than I could have dreamed.

There was an underground movement of men that had caught the fem virus prostituting themselves out to men that wanted to be women.

Jeremy was such a man who wanted to be a woman.

He had always wanted to be a woman but could not afford the gender reassignment.

He was too frightened to sleep around without protection as he was frightened of catching something worse than the fem virus.

Luckily for him one day while discussing his problem online on an open forum for men who wanted to be women he received a message in his inbox from an anonymous person telling him to follow the link below.

The link lead him to a person who was willing to give you the fem virus for monetary compensation.

Jeremy contacted the person below.

WWW.So you want to be female.com

They agreed on the price and 3 days later Jeremy found himself in a sleazy motel having unprotected sex for the first time in his life.

After the fun was all over Jeremy went back to his place to wait and see if he had in fact contracted the fem virus.

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