Friday 12 March 2021

I'm the man I'm in charge!

Samuel was not liking his Wife Jessica's personality.

Ever since they had swapped bodies she had become more demanding.

She was a harder husband than he had ever been.

She had a definite idea of a woman's place in home then he had.

She expected him to do everything whilst she did nothing.

He did not like the way she took control over everything.

He did not like the way she told him what he could wear, eat and do.

He did not like the way she punished him whenever he did anything that displeased her.

He was hoping it was just a phase she was going through as she adjusted to be the man.


I told you I had some of the guys from work coming over to play poker tonight.

I told you to pick up chips and beer on your way home from work.

This is going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you!


  1. He hated the way she treated him but he knew that there was no way he could reverse the spell if he left her. So he took his spanking, went to the store for beer and was a good hostess taht night. He just hoped that she would not get too drunk. She got so roygh in bed when she was drunk.

  2. Samuel was never the most macho of men, his wife Jessica was different she was sorta perfectionist. That men and women had certain role and act a certain way.
    Where Jessica said that you had it easy because your a man. And shot back women always that sexually harassment card. And they used it if was true or not.
    Well if you think it easy being a women. You try it for a time. I bet you can't last six months , no a month.
    I bet I can last a that about six month. He said.
    Okay we switched bodies, plus with basic knowledge of being the other gender and sexual comfort.
    Deal, I said. If the first one who breaks must change their ways I said.
    Deal she said. But can anything .
    Anything he said.
    After a week or so. Samuel was Jessica. And Jessica was Samuel.
    It seem that no one seem to known that we're in each others body.
    I as Jessica seem to be more feminine dress less business like.
    But Jessica as me, is more macho , more manly as me.
    He did thing like he was in change of our life.
    He did things that I wouldn't have done.
    He was more aggressive lover, and he want his orders carry.
    I want try argue it out. But after a moment or so. I couldn't. I wanted to but I couldn't. I felt so weak and helpless.
    I , I had keep going, I had about five more month. If she break me, I'll lose. I know she doing these on purpose. To break me.
    Thou I'm a women now. I will never break. I'm strong than she, I know she doing to will out of spite.
