Thursday 11 March 2021

6 men 6 dates.

Peter annoyed by his friends sexist comments towards him told them that he could still beat them at a game of golf no matter the body.

So on Sunday which was ladies day at his golf club he found himself standing on the green with his friends like the old days ready to prove them wrong.

His first couple of shots were not exactly the best he had ever played.
His new body did not have the same strength as his old one and it was a little bit more top-heavy.

By the 8th hole he was already down.

He really needed this shot to hit the green perfectly if he was going to avoid the forfeit his friends had in mind for him.


  1. Peter was very annoyed that because Peter no longer Peter he is a girl well if he was born one before. He calls himself err herself Petra. Its not because that he's a girl now, which is irritating enough. Because he is a girl. That he or she can't play golf. Not the way as he did.
    Peter err Petra disagreed. Because I'm a physically ,biologically a girl. It doesn't mean that I can't play golf , the same way or beat you.
    Well I think your off your game.
    I think not.
    Well your thinking of wager.
    Yes, I am he said.
    Well what is the wager. Petra asked.
    If you lose or don't play as well as you do, you have date me and the some of us.
    And if I do , will you admit that being a girl will not change my game.
    Deal , Saturday about noon.
    I said deal, then Saturday came around. And I was dress in my golf clothes, well the feminine style of golf clothes.
    I was wear a skirt than a pair of slacks. I need to make sure that every advantage. And when I became a girl. It felt almost natural, normal for me to wear them.
    Thou I was playing okay, but game different, how a played was not the same as I did.
    So I had to compensate of how I played.
    By the 8th there was chance that I would lose.
    If I lose I would have go to date my friends as girl. And I have to dress up , in a dress, though casual clothes is one thing , but me wearing a gown or party dress I'm ready for that and I think they you at me, as more that a friend.
