Saturday, 27 February 2021

Look at me! requested by Anonymous.

Ryan along with every member of his family was affected by the role exchange.

Ryan who was supposed to be heading back to college the next day refuse to go.

He told his mother it was extremely embarrassing to have his sister's face and general features as well as his mother's breasts and vagina and sexual orientation.

His mother who was now nothing more than a horny teenage boy told him stop being such a big baby and suck it up.

She told him he was going back to college no matter what.

Ryan just looked at his mother and said to her you don't know what it's like for me.

I was a cool kid on campus last year and look at me now.

Nobody's going to think I'm cool looking like this!

Ryan's mother just looked at him and said look young man everybody suffered in the role exchange not just you.

Your father is a four-year-old girl and your sister's a 90 year old woman.

So you will stop feeling sorry for yourself.

You will pack your bags and be ready in the morning for me to drive you there OKAY!

Ryan knew there was no way of getting out of this.

So he had no choice but to accept it.

He had no choice but to go off to college.

The next morning bags in the back of the car he and his mother set off to college.