Saturday, 27 February 2021

Jessica you ok? By Rhodry

Here he was Jeremy, but he wasn't Jeremy. He was in his girlfriends body.

He heard stories of them. He heard of stories of them. Even read a few of them. They were strange and odd, but he never ever believe it. It was basically urban legends, which he knew of but never believed.
There was strange flash of light that surrounded him. A few minutes later. He was standing there. But it wasn't him . It was Jeremy girlfriend Jessica.
She stand err I was standing there in front of the mirror. She err I was only wearing a pair of panties and bra. I was in her underwear only.
And few minutes later Jessica appear. Well Jessica in my body appear in her bedroom.
She said in my voice Jeremy is that you.
Jessica , yes its me. Well was me.
I'm you in your body.
And your in my body.
Yes, I am. What happen.
What happen, what happen we switch bodies that what happen.
Claim down, Jeremy, I know its a shock.
A shock, a shock that's a understatement. I'm half-naked , wearing your underwear.
Well if it bothers you put on a dress.
I don't want to wear a dress.
Well do you want to wear.
I don't know a pair of pants and shirt, and flat shoes.
Here put this on.
What is it I asked.
Your kidding me. It a robe of course, she said.
I took it and cover my underwear. It wasn't a pair of pants. But its long enough to cover me. It was great but at leash, I'm covered.
Here we are I'm her, and she's me.
She seem that she more claimer than, I was. But I was in shock. The question Am I struck as a girl. Or do we return back to bodies.

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