Friday 20 November 2020

Electric shock therapy.

Anthony had found himself over 3 weeks ago in a woman's body in the early 1920s.

He founded hard to come to terms with what had happened to him.

He tried to make everybody understand he was not Anna.

But all that had got him was a padded cell in some psychiatric hospital where the therapy was not what you would call therapeutic.



  1. How did these happen to me. Why did it happen to me. Hear I was in the early 21 century. Walking or jogging near and old building, I seen a few old buildings there. probably, abandon, or forgotten. Probably they'll either renovate or destroy it. Then before I realizes it and strange fog like mist appear in front of me. It looked a bit a electrical. Before I could stop . I enter it. And before I knew it. It was pitch black for who knows , a few seconds, a few minutes, longer I didn't know. Then vision cleared. I tried to move. I couldn't . It was like I was strap out. Or tied up.
    Hello, hello it anybody there.
    A few steps were heard and a two people step in the room.
    Ah, good, your awake.
    Why am I strap in this thing, why am I here. I said.
    Is it obvious my dear, you mental breakdown, your parents sent you here to cure of your negative behaviors .
    Why are you talking to me, I'm a idiot, and why do I sound funny.
    You are a girl, my dear.
    I am not, I a girl.
    Then he show me , my face in a small mirror.
    No, no, no I'm a girl, I said.
    Now do you see, that your a girl.
    No, I maybe in a girls body. But I'm a man. I been a man for sometime.
    Do you know the year of today.
    Oven course its 2020 about later early October.
    Well you got the month right dear. As for the year its 1920. And are a girl. Your parents sent you here to cure of your suffrage believes . And turn you into a proper women of society. They be proud of!.
    We start with low dosist and some electric shock should correct behaviour.
    I not a girl. I don't be long here.
    I tray in time.
    As the treatment continue, she insist that she is not a girl.
    After a few weeks she still claims , but not as much. Probably several months she be cured.
    You think that its true that she form the future.
    Probably madness. A female mind can't be able understand such things.
    He saw still strap in a jacket, in a female body. In time over 100 years. And wonder why!
