Tuesday 28 July 2020

I wonder how life like this body is?

Michael did not know what was harder to get used to.

The fact his old body was dead and he was no longer human or the fact that the only synthetic body they had ready was female which came with its own set of complications and things to get used to.


  1. I was wondering if you could continue on a story that I came up with a while ago under the title Having a peachy time, I have 2 more parts that I would like to add to finish the story so I’ll start with this first part that will be part 6 in the story.

    It has been 3 months since Ryan woke up inside the body of Samus from Metroid, during that time Ryan lived up to her name by being the best galactic bounty hunter in the galaxy. Having conquered many enemies across different planets Ryan loved the thrill of going to a new planet to take on a new threat, and whenever he wasn’t on a mission Ryan would spend his time in Samus’ quarters viewing his body.
    However his most recent mission was different than the others as it nearly resulted in Ryan being killed, he reported back to the captain about this and asked if there was body armour available to use for future missions, the captains response to Ryan’s request was for him to sneak into a secret base on a distant planet to collect a power suit which will fully protect his body. Ryan tells the captain he will not fail him again and leaves to go to his ship.

    Once the ship entered the atmosphere Ryan could see the base ahead and landed out of sight, Ryan was looking around and found an open vent outside and tried to fit his body into the gap, he crawled through the vents until he saw an opening to a room below, kicking the grate off Ryan carefully lifted himself into the room without making any noise and took out his plasma gun.
    Ryan went into every room he came across trying to make as little noise as he could when walking along the corridors connecting the base, he entered one room and checked to see if it was clear, Ryan soon realised he found the control room where he could view every camera inside the base, he looks around on every screen for the room that contained the power suit, but instead he comes across a screen showing something Ryan though he would never see again, it was the static that caused Ryan to be put into this body and it was on a huge monitor inside room 64.

    Knowing that this could take him back to the real world Ryan stops looking for the power suit and goes towards room 64, once there Ryan peaks around the corner and spots 2 guards by the corners of the room, once Ryan stuned them with his plasma gun he goes up to the static monitor which changed to a view of his room back in the real world. He could see his friend Tom on the other side and called out to him, this made Tom look towards the TV screen confused by Samus calling his name, Ryan then explained to Tom that it was him and that he was stuck in the video game world, suddenly sirens start going off as Ryan had alerted the entire base, Tom quickly put his hand on the TV screen and it went through, he told Ryan to grab his hand and that was when Ryan knew it was time to go back, he quickly felt Samus’s butt one last time and grabbed Tom’s hand which resulted in a white light.

    Once the white light disappeared Ryan looked around and found himself in a large room with Princess Zelda next to him, Ryan knew something wasn’t right but froze in fear as he could feel the warm leggings covering his legs, he then went to look at his arms and saw he had white gloves on, but was finally shocked when he saw that he was wearing a familiar pink dress, I’m Princess Peach again Ryan says, as he brushed the dress off and felt his soft hair Ryan started wondering why he didn’t go back to the real world, then he looked at Princess Zelda who stared back at Ryan, Ryan said to Zelda Tom is that you? and Tom responded back by saying wait Ryan is that you, what’s going on here?

  2. I know this is a bit long but I’ve written it so that some sentences can be used word for word. Here are the links for part 6 below, thank you:







