Tuesday 14 July 2020

Don't worry about it.

Rebecca in Martin's body was completely naked and slightly embarrassed sat on the chair staring at her own gorgeous naked body lying on the bed and said I am sorry I came so early.

I did not know you had to control it.

Martin in Rebecca's body was still lying on the bed completely naked and unsatisfied said to Rebecca it's ok.

You will get better with practice.

I am sure by the end of the month you will be an absolute animal in the sheets.

Rebecca just looked at him and said well I know how to do one thing perfectly that will make you happy and get you off.

She got out of her chair went over to Martin garbed hold of his legs pulled him over onto his back and buried her face into his sopping wet pussy.

Which was the perfect way to round off there first day in each other's bodies.


  1. Maybe they will like being each other more, would you be able to make another caption for me?

    It’s about a guy called Ryan who is going on a 2 week holiday with his family for his 18th birthday, however Ryan doesn’t want to go as he has already gone to Spain many times before.

    He decides the night before to go and talk with his neighbour Claire who was considered a close friend for many years and asked her how he could sort out this dilemma. Claire told Ryan to sit down as she needed to tell him something and Ryan then had the shock of his life when Claire said that she knew he had a crush on her for some time, but since Claire was 32 she knew that Ryan and her couldn’t be in a relationship.

    Ryan froze in fear and didn’t know what to say next, but Claire responded back saying that she had never gone to Spain before and she then told Ryan that she has a plan but he would have to agree to it, Ryan said anything will be fine and so Claire told Ryan that they would switch bodies with each other and pretend to be the other person for 2 weeks, Ryan wondered what Claire was talking about but she showed him a book with spells inside and so he decided to trust her.

    As she finished saying the spell Ryan noticed that he was now wearing Claires dress and heels, before going back to Ryan’s bedroom Claire wrote Ryan a list of rules about her body such as what allergies her body has and that he couldn’t have sex as her, Ryan agreed to taking care of her body and after hearing some personal advice from Claire she smiled and told him to have fun being a woman and left the house.

    Ryan now alone with Claire’s body started to feel his new chest and all he could say was wow, even though Claire was much older than Ryan he still found her body to be hot for her age, but then Ryan started to feel strange and quickly checked the list to see what was wrong with his new body, Ryan then started to think that this may not be a great idea after all as he found out that Claire was on her period and that he would now have to endure that time of the month inside his crushes own body.

    Here is the gif for the caption, many thanks:


    1. thank you for getting in touch I will work on that shortly.

