Thursday, 30 July 2020


Anthony now Amanda thanks to the great shift stood there pissed off with his parents.

He could not believe just because he happened to now be a teenage girl that they would think he would be willing to babysit his little brother.

He told them he would not babysit whilst they went out and had some fun.

He told them he had plans with his boyfriend.

He told them there was nothing they could do to change his mind.

His mother now a 25-year old male looked at her  and said ok we will just stop your hair, make-up and clothing allowance and you can go around in some of my old clothes.

Anthony just said you're so unfair.

You don't know what it's like to be me.

Before turning and storming out of the room like a proper stroppy teenage girl he said in a peevish tone ok well I will stay in whilst you and Dad go and have fun time at the gay mixer.

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