Friday 17 July 2020

All they think about is sex!

James just wanted to be left alone to wallow and soak in a hot bubble bath after a long stressful day at work trying to sort out why his wages had gone down since the great shift put him in the body of a female colleague.

So he was not too pleased to see his flatmate Michael push open the bathroom door and say do you mind if I get in with you?

Not in the mood for anything like that James with one beautiful leg shut the door making a mental note as he did so to fit a lock to the bathroom door.


  1. Ah, come on, James! Give Michael a break!!!

    If you find time, AG, I would appreciate seeing this illustrated:


    Chad gave his head a shake, trying to recover.
    All he had said was “Dude, I know what you’re gonna say and you’re right; I’ve been selfish, a hog. We agreed to take turns and I’ve taken 4 already without letting you have even 1 but, Bro, don’t worry! Man, you are the best friend, like, ever! You can have 4 turns, one after another, like I did, and we’ll be even and . . .”
    Then a stinging slap across the face.
    Chad stared deeply into Cynthia’s eyes without saying anything. Suddenly, Cynthia’s whisper broke the silence:
    “Chad, you idiot, shut up and don’t ruin this!”
    “But the deal was . . .”
    “Chad, figure it out! I don’t care about the deal anymore! Ex-Cynthia’s doing just fine without this body. She sent me a selfie of her with my girlfriend. I’m staying in this body. I’m in Cynthia. I am Cynthia now. You can stop calling me ‘Dude’ and ‘Bro’. I have chick hormones and a pussy now and my pussy is Cynthia’s pussy because I’m Cynthia. Just call me ‘Cynthia’ or any of those other names you were calling her when you were telling me how badly you wanted to get with her, when you talked me into the deal. Just thinking about you saying those names turns me on now.”
    “So, you don’t want a turn with Cynthia?”
    “I told you – I am Cynthia!”
    “You don’t want me to do my part and come into Cynthia’s . . . er . . . your . . .er . . . Cynthia’s body so you can . . . ?”
    [‘Cynthia’ giggled.] “Here’s what I want, Chad. I want you to stay Chad in your Chad body and parts of you can come into Cynthia’s body and do me.”


  2. Nice bit of animation. The story fits nicely.
