Tuesday 12 May 2020


FBI agent Robert Malone ripped off his dress during one of his quick changes and caught up with his field handler at the same time.

He said to him its been 5 weeks now doing 4 shows a day and I don't see the point.

If Mr Big was going to show up he would have by now.

I think should just close the case and move on to something else preferably something where I don't have to be a showgirl!

His handler just looked at him and said give it a couple more weeks we've got perfect in time that he is going to do the deal at this casino.

Robert just looked at him as his curtain call came and said I will give it one more week regretting he had ever taken those amateur dramatics lessons at college.


  1. Could you do one where Hailee Steinfeld decides her boyfriend named josef is better as her girlfriend and and transform him into herself to be her best girlfriend

    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.

