Sunday 31 May 2020

Random Box: Part 1

George & James aged 15 were out looking for something to do when they came across a garage sale filled with weird stuff.

Looking through boxes and boxes of junk they came across something that took their fancy it was a smooth black cube with 1 big red button & 2 smaller green buttons they did not know why it took their fancy it just did.

George reached out and picked up the item.

Immediately feeling it was pulsating with energy.

He held it up and asked the woman who was attending one of the stores how much she wanted for it.

The woman shouted back $3.

The two lads happily paid the $3 and went away feeling like they got a bargain even if they had no idea what they had purchased.

On the way home some strange white letters started to appear like a magic 8 ball around the red button.

The boys surprised by this stopped and read the words out loud.

Congratulations you are now the proud owners of the transformation 2001.

This is the greatest transformation box in the world.

You are guaranteed George & James three transformations but don't forget the third transformation is your last so make sure it's a good one as it's a keeper.

The two lads did not take what the box told them seriously.

They just thought it was a gimmicky toy.

Now back at George's house.

George presses the red button.

Just like before words appeared around the buttons.

This time it said male or female .

He pressed the green button nearest the word female.

The word change once again to read female selected press button for transformation.

George  hands the box over to his friend and dares him to press the button.

James takes the box and without thinking presses the button.

Immediately his body is covered by a pink pulsating light.

George unable to see his friend through the light shouts is everything alright?

Before he could get the answer the light vanishes and where his friend was just standing was an overweight woman in sexy lingerie.

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Going out in style: requested by Anonymous (Sunday) Part 6

Going out in style: requested by Anonymous (Sunday) Part 5

Day six and seven of being a woman was the strangest of all for him.

Whilst out at the nightclub after his day of getting dolled up he bumped into the son of a business friend.

They took quite the shine to one another.

It was definitely love at first sight

After a couple of drinks they both came up with the craziest idea

Before they could change their minds they were on a private jet flying to Vegas to get married.

Where on the 7th day he said I do and spent his last night on Earth with the man he just married and who had no idea who she was.

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Guest Publication: I can feel you feel the same way.

Turns out it is going to be a lot longer than a week because Tony will change her name to Toni seeing that fits a woman who will be a mother and over the next 9 months Toni’s wife now husband will teach Toni everything a birth female learns buy this time in her life before the baby comes. After the baby is born Toni tells her husband she wants to stay in this body and even have a couple more children.

Kirsten Dunst: requested by Josef Zápotocky (Sunday)

When Kirsten Dunst pulled out at the last moment from her photo shoot due to lack of time.

Rebecca was devastated as she really needed these pictures done now.

She got Kirsten's permission to use a stand in who looked exactly like her.

Little did Kirsten know that Rebecca was a very good and skilled which who planned on using her 17 year old son Josef as the stand in after she did a few magical alterations to him.

Son: Mum I am bored!

Son how much longer do I have to stay like this?

Mum: 35 more minutes and it will be over and if you are a good little boy I will let you have 3 hours to do whatever you like with that body before I turn you back.

Mum: so do we have a deal?

Son: ok Mum I'll do my best.

Mum: I thought that would make you happy.

Kristen Stewart: requested by Josef Zápotocky (Sunday)

knock knock.

Don't come in I'm busy shouted Josef!!!!!!!

I will be super quick said his mother Samantha as she opened the door to get the laundry out of his room

He tried to cover himself up as best as possible but it was hard to hide what he was doing.

Samantha new her son did this sort of thing but she thought it was getting a little bit out of hand.

So she decided to give him a lesson in what it was like to be the one people fantasize about masturbating.

So she turned her son into a copy of the person he was pleasuring himself to just so he knew what it was like from the female point of view.

Saturday 30 May 2020

I can feel you feel the same way.

Tony discovered it did not take him long to get his wife to accept their current predicament or the fact that he now in her body was extremely horny & he wanted her in his body to screw his brains out before the week was up and they were back in  there own bodies.

Massive following.

65 year old Michael now in the body of a 35 year old woman did not know what it was about being a woman that made him want to pose in sexy positions and put his pictures up on Instagram for everybody to admire.

Going out in style: requested by Anonymous (Sunday) Part 5

He had no idea what that one night stand had opened up inside of him.
But he felt happier and more relaxed then he ever had in his life.

All he wanted to do now was spend his last remaining days feeling the same feelings over and over again.

So he decided to throw caution to the wind and have a full makeover so he would be more attractive to the men.

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7 and 1/2 hours later and I'm ready to hit the clubs.

Friday 29 May 2020

That's just nasty.

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Psilocybin mushroom?

Tony had no idea what was in those mushrooms he had eaten last night.

But he was pretty sure he was not tripping off his face at the moment.

As everything felt too real and normal or as normal as it could be waking up in the woods as a naked woman.

Thursday 28 May 2020

Come on man stop that now!

The army were testing there latest genetic weapon which were design to make soldiers less aggressive and easier to conquer on the battlefield.

The genetic weapon worked perfectly.

It removed the aggressive nature from the test soldiers for a period of 24-hours with only one slight little side effect.

Some of the soldiers affected by the weapon also change gender and became very sexually attracted to one another and did not wear off in 24-hours.

Dropping big boy?

Robert who was undercover in the body of a gorgeous young woman was working in a brothel looking for the murder of several like-minded women.

He was only supposed to be pretending to be a prostitute.

He wasn't in fact supposed to be having sex for money.

But the female cloned bodies they had put him in was extremely horny and as he saw it when in Rome do as the Romans.

So it didn't take him long to forget about his undercover job and take on the role and life of a prostitute.

Which came as a bit of a shock to his handler who had not heard from him in a few days.

So he went in to see what was going on and found himself and a very awkward position.

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Photo Shoot.

Scott blinked twice when he found himself standing in front of a man with a camera.

He felt completely different smaller lighter and more delicate in places & heavier and more bouncy in others.

It was only when the man behind the camera said to him that's it Sarah that the perfect pose don't move that he realised he was in the body of a photographers model who was halfway through a photo shoot.

Never been happier.

Travelling salesman 39 year old Scott never thought he would spend his days changing nappies and breastfeeding a baby.

But when the great shift put him in the body of a pregnant woman he happened to be talking to at the time of the great shift he had little choice but to get used to the idea.

Starting a family.

James did not know what it was about these brownies his wife had cooked but he could not stop eating them.

They made him feel alive and full of energy and purpose.

He was so lost in eating them that he did not notice until the tray was empty the transformation that had come over him.

Oh my god I'm a pregnant woman!

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Last time I agree to do this!!!!

Last time I agree to do this!!!!

Stay-at-home husband Tony who had agreed to swap bodies with his wife to carry their second child could not believe his wife was late for this.

She had promised him one hundred percent that she would not make him go through labor once again.

But as usual work came first and he was left standing alone in the hospital room waiting for his contractions to be far enough apart so he could push this one out.

Did you have to wear that? Guest Publication By nikir77

Michelle had been trying to get her Husband into a lesbian relationship.

But Micheal was straight as a man and was now straight as a woman.

But once the two women got to there Hawaii Hotel he became all woman and even slept with three different men.

When they flew home Micki was wearing a sexy Hawaiian wraparound dress that looked like the Hawaiian shirt he wore befor and some sexy 3 inch sandal wedges. 

Michelle knew her dream was over her husband was now a heterosexual woman.

She could not help wondering was this the end of their friendship or would they stay BFFs & housemates.

Monday 25 May 2020

Looking super cute.

She might not have the biggest breasts in school but a little bit of toilet paper will plump them out a bit said 16 year-old Matthew to himself as he got ready for the hottest pool party this year which he was now going to have to attend in Samantha's body.

When will it be over?????

Jesus H Christ not again.

Not another freaking woman's body.

How long is this curse going to force me to live everyday as a different woman learning what it is like to be one said 24-year old Simon when he woke up in the body of a young Asian woman.

Sunday 24 May 2020

6-months on and still like this: requested by RJ (Sunday) Part 2

For RJ & his wife discovering they still had feelings for each other opened up a whole new world for them.

They quickly discovered there new feelings and love for each other was stronger than before.

They quickly discovered RJ much prefered to be the woman in the bedroom in their new relationship.

They quickly discovered he liked having his pussy played with.

They quickly discovered that he liked the feel of a strap-on inside of him.

Which made his wife very happy as she preferred to be the man in this relationship and loved being able to take him whenever and wherever she wanted to.

You like me doing that?

I can smell your wet pussy from here.

You're dying for me to play with it.

You love the feel of my tongue on it.

Brace yourself I'm going in.

FUCK I I love doing you.

You're so wet in there.

I just love everything myself all over you.

I hope that was good for you too?

follow on to Inside Man By nikir

Toni found the evidence right away.

But he found a note which said read this but don't say anything out loud as I know you are wired. 

Tony slowly read the 4 page letter.

It said The father knew about the body hopping PI and if the guy now in her body became her permanently he would pay him billions.

Because his real daughter was a flake and wanted to get him to go to jail so she could get her hands on her trust fund early.

Tony had 3 more weeks to decide what he was going to do before he had to leave this body or become her permanently anyway.

First guy to do it: requested by Anonymous. (Sunday)

Ryan a 10-year vet of the FBI was one of the first test subjects for the FBI's new body swap programmer.

He was assigned to swap bodies with a beautiful young woman called Samantha who was helping them bring down a low-level gangster.

Before going through with the swap he told his wife he was going on an undercover mission and would not be able to contact her at all this time.

The body swap was a success.

Nothing could have prepared him for how weird it was to be in a woman's body.

Everything was completely different not just the sexual organs.

After two days of acclimatising to his new body and situation and Samantha filling him in on all the things he would need to know to be her it was finally time to take her place as a bunny girl serving drinks and getting his cute bottom pinched all night.

Kate Upton: requested by Josef Zápotocky. (Sunday)

Josef  was curious to see what the life of a rich and famous person was really like.

Kate Upton really wanted to take a break away from her adoring fans.

They both met at the Body Swap Center which had partnered them together.

They accepted the terms of each other's swap.

The very next day they were in each other's bodies.

Living each other's lives and finding out what it was really like to be each other.

Kate Upton grabs her boob while cheering baseball star fiance ...

Selena Gomez: requested by Josef Zápotocky. (Sunday)

Josef  is an average blue collar worker.

He is working a dead-end nine-to-five job installing security for rich and famous people.

Selena Gomez is a rich and famous woman who was tired of the limelight.

A small little accident between them both when he was installing a security system at her home caused them both to switch bodies.

Joseph was surprised to find Selena not concerned about being in his body.

He was even more surprised when she took off in his truck leaving him trapped as her. 

But now almost 2 weeks since the day it had happened he was really starting to like being her.

So much so that he had completely changed his mind about getting his body back and decided to settle down as her.

How Selena Gomez Dressed for a Quarantine Walk

Saturday 23 May 2020

Inside Man

Body hopping PI Tony not sure that he was going to get away with this stood in front of the mirror admiring the female body he was currently inhabiting and said OK OK testing testing 1212 to his partner who was sitting outside in the van & listening in through the mic he was wearing.

He buttoned up her blouse straightened her skirt and headed out to take this girls place downstairs at the breakfast table with her family and hopefully over the next four weeks gathering the evidence they need to prove this girls father was embezzling company funds.

That does look fun.

Michael who became a woman in the great shift did not like the idea of his wife Sarah sleeping with other men.

He reminded her that they were still married.

He told her that he was sure that they would find a way to reverse it.

But after 6 weeks of being patient for the scientist to find a way to reverse what had happened to her husband Sarah could not take it anymore.

After several failed attempts at making love with each other they both came to the realisation that they were not lesbians.

So he had no choice but to let his wife screw another man whilst he watched and fingered himself to the point of climax as he was not quite ready to take the plunge into bed with a man just yet.

Friday 22 May 2020

You can't do this to me! requested by Anonymous.

Agent fbi film

Simon did not like the idea of going undercover in the body of a mob boss but it was the only way to get the evidence they needed.

The FBI kidnap the Mob bosses wife while she was out having her weekly manicure and hair appointment.

They swapped their bodies and sent him out in her body to be her.

Despite all of his training and studying he was still nervous when he turned up at her house.

He took a deep breath before opening the door and swaning his way in to her home like he owned the place.

He was nervous and terrified the first night he had to spend in bed with this woman's horny husband.

He learnt very quickly her husband always got what he wanted.

So on his first night in her body he was on his knees giving him a blowjob which almost knocked him sick.

Wallpaper sandee westgate, brunette, sexy girl, oral sex, blowjob ...

Over the following six weeks he had managed to get quite a lot of evidence on the organisation between all her appointments, parties and just being a wife.

He tried to contact his handlers to let them know what evidence he have gathered.

He was surprised to find the special number he had been given by his chief no longer worked.

He called the main switchboard and gave them his password and code which was no longer valid.

He rang his wife to see if she was alright and was surprised to hear his own voice on the other end.

Head spinning and not sure what was going on he demanded to know who they were!.

The person at the other end just said it was you but now it's me.

I know you're expecting me to be locked up in your body whilst you brought down my husband but what you didn't know was that your chief.

Had some serious debts.

Which I told him would go away if he let me take over your life & delete the files about this operation and leave you trapped  as me.

So as far as anybody is concerned you're the wife of a mob boss and I am a police officer.

Your wife and children have not noticed anything different and I take it my husband has not noticed anything different about you.

I hope this has cleared up everything for you.

If you ring here again I might have to let it be known to my former husband associates that you've been passing on information about them to the police which won't go down well.

Enjoy your new life because I'm enjoying mine.

He heard the click of the phone at the other end was hung up.

He feel to his knees crying.

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He did not know what to do to get his life back.

But he was determined to do it as he did not want to spend the rest of what was now his life being a submissive woman and the wife of a mob boss.

When he's done I'm going to kill her!

Akio hated it when his sisters Ichika would swap body with him so she could get out of doing something she did not want to do without asking especially when she was doing something like having sex with her boss at work to ensure she got that promotion.

Thursday 21 May 2020

Did you have to wear that?

10 Movies Like "How To Be Single" That Are The Best Post-Breakup ...

Michelle wished her husband Micheal would have worn something a little bit more appropriate to his new gender for their vacation then one of his usual horrid Hawaiian shirts that did not really suit his new cute little body.

Just one there all the same!

Movie Night: Dildo Diaries (2002)

Michael really with his friend Tony who was now in the body of a horny young woman would hurry up and just pick one as he felt extremely uncomfortable standing in a sex toy shop.

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Tough man in a soft shell.

Videos: Luc Besson's 'Anna' gets trailer - Girls With Guns

Antonio was surprised when his mistress pulled a gun on him.

He was even more surprised to find out that his mistress had a hidden identity which had only lately been activated.

On the outside she was a gorgeous woman with a fun loving attitude and the desire to make a man happy.

But on the inside she had the mind and the skills of Sergeant Robert S Forrester deceased an agent for the USA who had just been activated to take him down.

So what do you say?

The Spy Who Dumped Me': 7 Unanswered Questions From the Film

Former mob boss Scott now in the body of a middle aged woman wearing a purple suit let out a laugh of pleasure when he saw the surprised and horrified look on his former face.

He said to his wife who had stolen everything from him I bet you did not expect to see your body again sweetie.

I bet you thought sticking me in that brothel in Mexico would get rid of me forever.

Well you were wrong sweetie.

I want my business and my money back but you can keep the body.

You've got 5 minutes to decide before me and my girlfriend here blow your brains out and take it anyway.

1,2,3,4, ?

Quarantine Leap - Episode 6 - "Jessica" (Body Swap)

Tuesday 19 May 2020

I don't want to be a teenage mother!

20-year old Simon was learning why his sister 15-year old Michelle had stolen his body whilst he was visiting the family for the weekend and had skipped town with it as he read the note she had left him on the nightstand next to the positive pregnancy test.

Cop a feel.

16-year old Michael could not resist getting the titties he now had out.

He just wanted to cop a feel before whatever had put him in this body put him back in his.

He did not expect his mother to walk in on him whilst he was doing it.

Which was more awkward for him than the first time she walked in on him masturbating.

Monday 18 May 2020

Just one minute .

Peter shut his eyes and sat down.

He did not want to think about what he was doing right now.

This whole situation was one hell of a mindfuck.

He could not believe his stepmother had done this to him.

Just so she could go to Cancun with his friends instead of having to look after her sick husband his dad.

Missing them so much.

Michael stood outside his old family home.

He so desperately wanted to knock on the door and see how his wife and kids were coping.

But he knew he could not as it was against the agreement.

He knew they would never believe this woman was in fact him anyway.

As far as they were concerned he died in a car accident over a year ago.

They did not know a top-secret government research programme had saved his brain and put it into a new body.

They had no idea that he was now working for the government as their latest top secret weapon.

Sunday 17 May 2020

My revenge: requested by Anonymous

Simon had worked for the same R&D company for nearly 50 years.

When he turns 75 he found himself being retired even though he felt he still had plenty to give the company.

Embittered and annoyed by his dismissal he decides to use what time he had left to find a way to increase his life and getting revenge.

Using up all his savings and cashing in his pension he was able to afford the components to build himself a mind swapping machine.

When the machine was finally complete he had to pick someone to swap with.

He did not want to swap with a member of his family or a complete stranger.

He wanted to swap with somebody who deserved to be in his body.

He decided he was going to swap bodies with his old  bosses wife.

A rather attractive middle aged woman who had not done a day's work in her life.

That way he would be younger healthier richer and would be able to make his old bosses life a misery with all the dirt he had on him.

He would file for divorce and use his multiple affairs against him to take him for everything he had including his secret offshore bank accounts.

It's a pity she died so quickly in my body.

She never come to see me humiliating her husband.

But now I am divorced and pretty wealthy.

I think I'm going to enjoy her life.

She as definitely kept her body in shape.

I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with it.

I think it's time to get myself a toy boy or 2.

When it's no fun anymore and the money is all gone I think I will just move on and leave some other sap with this body.

I am not afraid. requested by Anonymous (Sunday)

It was long established in urban myths that the dark wood that surrounded the village of Eastham was the home to a wicked which.

All children were warned by their parents not to spend the night in those woods

But not all children listen to their parents or believed the urban legends about the woods.

So every now and then some full hardy child like Tyrone would be dared by his friends to spend the night in those woods and would never be seen again.

Well not in anyway that anybody would recognise them.

As for Tyrone he spent 24 hours in the woods and left the next morning a beautiful naked black woman who discovered no matter how many times they tried to get dressed their clothes would just vanish leaving them naked.

This feels so great: requested by Anonymous (Sunday)

17-year old Anthony was helping his sister 19-year old Melanie in with some bags from the car when all of a sudden it started to rain.

Grabbing the last of the bags they rushed for the front door.

There was a massive flash of lightning behind them and they both fell to the ground.

When they came to they were staring up at the sky dripping wet.

They got unsteadily to their feet and discover to there to the horror somehow they had swapped bodies.

They rushed inside and started panicking.

They did not want to be in each other's bodies.

But until they knew what had happened to them they could not do anything to undo it.

So for the time being they were stuck as each other.

Melanie ordered her brother in her body to get out of her wet clothes & to get a hot shower.

It horrified him to see his sister's body naked.

He was terrified by the feelings he was getting as the water ran down her body.

He could not believe how turned on her body was getting by it.

An Incomplete List Of Things Selena Gomez Looks Good In