Thursday 16 April 2020

Bad one night stand.

William awoke after another night of heavy drinking and partying to fined something very strange had happened to him.

Somehow he had turned into a woman overnight.

With trembling fingers he unbuttoned the blouse he was now wearing which revealed too beautiful breasts hanging on his chest.

He pulled down the skin tight leggings he was now wearing and discovered to his horror he had a vagina.

He stood there just staring down at it in amazement until a familiar voice from the other room asked him did he like what he sees?

William looked up and saw his own body wearing his dressing gown standing in the bedroom doorway.

With a trembling voice he asked what have you done to me?

The person that was now him just looked at him and said I gave you what you wanted my body.

As a woman I was sick and tired of Cheesy pick-up Lines & people pretending to love me just to get in my knickers.

So I decided the next man who thought he could get into my knickers by lying to me would learn what it was like to be on the other side of those cheesy chat-ups.

So get dressed grab your handbag and get out.

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