Monday 11 November 2019

What have you done your man? requested by Anonymous...

15 year old  Ryan and Ben neighbours and best friends both who had a thing for mathematics which made them social outcasts at school had been for many months tracking the FOSE as it swept across America trying to predict its next port of call.

After many weeks of hard study and calculations they were sure tonight would be the night the FOSE would pass through their neighborhood at approximately midnight.

So this was the night they were going to put their plan into action.

The plan to leave their boring lives behind and become somebody else.

Ben had made up his mind that he wanted to be young rich and successful so he was going to use a picture of Audrey Plaza as his inspiration tonight whilst Ryan was having trouble picking somebody to be.

With just a few minutes to go Ryan quickly looked up trending celebrities to find any close to his age, when it came up with 20 year old Peyton List he decided to be her as he thought she looked hot, so he searched for some of her images and was ready to target his gherkin & become Peyton.

Once Ryan had done the deed, he blacked out and woke up outside where it was now daytime, when a camp consultant came to Ryan's aid he asked if Peyton was ok, Ryan got up with a smile and said he was completely fine while brushing his new blonde hair back.

To make sure their plan was going to work both the boys did as much research as possible on how to be a woman physically and mentally such as how they should walk or when to stroke their hair.

Ryan who had spent weeks wearing a wig and getting used to having long hair before doing the deed remembered what he had to do and would get the girly traits spot on such as making sure his tits and put stuck out whenever he was around boys.

Five days later and Ryan managed to convince everyone at the camp that he was Peyton, while helping to scrub a canoe he realized how easy it was to trick everyone and felt like he just got away with the perfect crime, this wouldn't last however as the camp leader went up to Ryan and asked Peyton to go to the main hall as your mother is waiting,

Ryan goes there but is surprised to see his real mum and before he can say anything she says to Ryan "You have a lot of explaining to do when we get home."


  1. Thank you for writing this, for the next part Ryan is taken back home and is sat down with his mum and Peyton in his own body, she asks why he had done this and explained it was nothing personal but he didn't enjoy his school life and so wanted to live the life of a celebrity, Peyton responds saying that she does forgive him for doing this but there must be consequences put in place.

    Ryan had to do his last year of school as Peyton and had to pass his exams, he could not tell anyone who he really is, and the only person who would know about this is Principal Johnson, at this point Ryan asked what will happen with Ben, his mother said that since Ben was a lot older he could not go to school and will be homeschooled by his parents, also mentioning that they won't be able to talk with each other until the academic year was over.

    So Ryan at first rebelled from not seeing his friend by going back into school and going against the school dress code by wearing black heels along with fishnet tights, he made sure to stand on a chair in the cafeteria posing for all the boys to see and stare in awe.

    But after being given a warning Ryan decided to not mess about and to knuckle down on his studying, he did well for the most part but wasn't sure if it was always because of his intelligence or that he was now a girl. His least favorite part of school was always sports, but now it felt worse being a girl.
    Before sports started Ryan went and told one of his friends Will who he really was and explained what had happened to him, but said not to tell anyone, Ryan told Will all his worries and was unsure if he had a choice for his future now he was a celebrity, Will told Ryan not to worry too much and tried to help Ryan sort out his hair for sports saying that he will always be there to support him, Ryan said thanks to Will before heading to the girls changing room, which made Ryan feel a bit flustered seeing all these girls strip into their bare clothes in front of him. Once he put on his own sports outfit and went into the sports hall Ryan started to feel tense as the sports teacher asked the girls to pick sides for a game of netball, he could see all the girls looking at him as though they knew he was a boy but had no idea if they actually would even know.

    As the months went on Ryan eventually sat his exams and had passed with flying colors, his mum was really proud and said that Ben had also passed his exams, once Ryan was allowed to see his friend again he asked Ben to come over as it was a sunny day, they had a great time laying in the sun talking about how awesome it was to still have celebrity bodies and how they could wear these skimpy looking bikinis.

    His mum and Peyton came down to sit with them, Ben said to Ryan lets go to your room and so Ryan stood up and followed behind him when he was asked by his mum to sit down and listen, Ryan turned back and slumped into the chair wondering what his mum would say to him, she said how proud she was with the way Ryan had behaved over the last months and said that Peyton would allow him to act as her for future up and coming Hollywood projects, meaning that he would get a share of her money earnings.

    Ryan simply said that's great and said if it would be ok to go now, his mum nods and he goes back into his room, however unknown to his mother Ryan and Ben were looking up ways to have a female orgasm as they waited for day to become night and would both take part in their first and certainly not last orgasm as women.

  2. Sorry it is a bit long but I couldn't condense it any further, here is gifs, thank you:,c_limit/the%20swap.gif
