Thursday 7 November 2019

The simple joys of motherhood.

Jack was not happy to be in his wife's body as he did not want to have to deal with getting the kids ready, cooking breakfast and making sure they caught the school bus.

Sarah on the other hand was looking forward to him spending a day in her body learning what her life was  like.

Sarah took a nice warm shower before getting dressed something she could never do in her own body first thing in the morning.

Whilst Jack was runing around the house getting the kids up and dressed befor doing breakfast and making their packed lunches.

After breakfast Sarah went off to her husbands work to see what he did all day.

Whilst Jack on the other hand was left to clean the house, change the beds, do the laundry, pick up the groceries all before 3:30 when the kids got back from school.

Then he had to make sure they did their homework while simultaneously preparing a delicious and nutritious dinner for them all.

Image result for stressed single mum

Honey I'm ready to admit your life is harder than mine.
So will you please come home early from work and swap back?
Why not.
You don't think I've experienced it all.
You want to keep us to like this for longer?
How much longer?
Good no.

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