Wednesday 6 November 2019


75 year old Alan who wanted to live forever had made a deal with the devil at the crossroads on old hallows eve.

He had pledged his immortal soul to his service.

3 days after signing away his soul he received a knock on the door from an ancient looking old man.

The old man gave him a parcel and said in a dry voice swallow the contents of the box at midnight to complete your deal with the devil.

He took the box closed the front door and opened the box.

Inside the box was a tiny vial of red liquid with a label that just read drink me.

He took the bottle of liquid to the kitchen where he placed it upon his counter.

He sat down at the dining table and stared at the liquid.

At the stroke of midnight he opened the bottle and down the liquid in one.

He immediately felt like his entire body was on fire.

He tried to scream out but nothing came out. 

His bones cracked his fat bubbled and his body turned into a pool of quivering human jelly on the kitchen floor.

After what seemed like an eternity to him which was in reality just 6 and 1/2 hours his body resolidified into a human shape.

He was no longer an old man with an aching back poor eyesight and having to use a stick to walk.

He was now young, healthy, beautiful and female.

With an uncontrollable desire to lead married men to cheat on their wives & opening up their Souls to the devil.