Sunday 10 November 2019

Learning how it feels

16-year old Anthony was annoyed when his parents informed him due to his bad attitude towards his sister they had signed him up to a behaviour camp for the summer which would hopefully teach him to respect women more.

Upon arriving at the camp and having all his personal possessions taken off him he made up his mind he was going to cause as much trouble as possible so they would send him home.

He was surprised when they paired him with a teenage girl called Sarah as usually they like to keep the sexes apart.

At this point he was unaware of the other aspect to the camp his parents had signed him up for.

But he quickly found out when he awoke the next morning in Sarah's body.

He hated being in her body.

He hated knowing she was in his.

He did not want to spend 4 weeks as her.

He did not know how this experience was going to teach him to be a better person.

But he quickly discovered being smaller, weaker, more emotional & female was a frightening place when you're surrounded by teenage boys who were really teenage girls that were loving having the tables turned on the boys.

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  1. could you please create caption where Evangeline lily transform me into copy of herself because i want to be her pic here


    1. thank you for getting in touch I will work on that shortly.

