Monday 14 October 2019

You're not my beautiful girlfriend request from Tumblr (Sunday)

Anthony could not help noticing that there was something strange about his girlfriend's behaviour.

All of a sudden her personality seem to have changed.

She was no longer interested in watching her nightly soap operas.

She was no longer sticking to her strict diet

She was no longer taking care of her appearance like she used to.

She was a hell of a lot better in the bed room and was a lot more open minded.

Which made him very suspicious.

He went through her phone and emails and discovered something disturbing.

He confronted her with the evidence that he had found that night.

The evidence that she was not his girlfriend at all but in fact a man who had possessed her body.

She or rather he did not deny it.

He fully admitted that for the past 6 weeks he had been in control of this guy's girlfriends body.

He fully admitted originally he was just going to empty their bank accounts and go.

But after spending time with him in her body feeling her love for him he found himself wanting to stay and make him happy.

After much thinking and soul searching he came to the conclusion that he preferred the guy in his girlfriends body to his girlfriends in it.

So he said to the guy who was now his girlfriend we will give it a couple of weeks and discuss it again and see if we are both as happy as we are now before leading him into the bedroom to consummate there agreement.


  1. I love the ending -- especially the last 2 paragraphs and especially that last line!!!


    1. sometimes I just like to have a bit of fun with the stories
