Monday 7 October 2019

My second chance: requested by Anonymous

Arthur lying in a hospital bed dying of cancer wished he could make right the wrong he did.

He wished he could get to know the son he had abandoned 20 years ago.

Something out there must have been listening to him as he suddenly found himself a fit and healthy young woman.

The young woman he was now in was in the same class of his son  at college .

He tried to tell his son who he really was.

But his new identity and personality took over and stopped him.

He became close friends with his son.

He spent many a happy moment with him.

He even accidentally lost his new female virginity to him after they went to a concert and got drunk together.

He tried to stop seeing his son but his new female body had gotten very attached to him and before he knew it he and his son were in a committed relationship planning a future and children.

Image result for man proposing to woman


  1. Excelent background for a simple idea. Thanks for making it
