Monday, 8 July 2019

The new me: requested by Josef Zápotocky

To look at Josef now all happy and smiling you would not have believed a year ago when he ended up in the body of Annabelle Wallis due to a freak cosmic event he almost had a nervous breakdown.

He did not think he could get used to being a woman.

He did not think he could get used to all of the biological things women had to get used to.

He did not think he would get used to having a famous woman's body.

He did not think he would ever get used to being sexually attracted to men.

But in time that all became just everyday to him.

He settled down in the life of a woman.

He got used to people stopping him in the street to have a selfie taken with him.

He accepted the feelings he had towards men.

He found a lot of joy and pleasure in sex.

He was so happy now being a woman he wondered why he missed being a man in the first place.

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