Martin and his daughter Rebecca were getting on like a house on fire these days which wasn't always the case.
Rebecca shouted at her father one night (you don't know what it's like to be a teenage girl you don't know what we have to put up with) because he would not let her go out in a outfit which was a little bit too revealing.
She stormed up the stairs and before slamming her bedroom door said I wish you could know what it is like to be a teenage girl.
Something strange happened that night.
He found himself the next morning somehow transformed into a teenage girl.
He was now a teenage girl physically emotionally and mentally.
He saw the world through a teenage girls eyes.
He felt a teenage girls uncertainty with her changing body and the world around her.
He had no choice but to rely on his wife and his daughter to teach him how to be a teenage girl until whatever had happened to him reversed itself and turned him back into his old self.

Which as you can see two years down the line had not happened and he and his daughter were now best of friends and sisters and his wife had come to the conclusion she was never getting him back after she caught him making out with a boy.

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