Samantha was willing to give it a go and teach her boyfriend Allan how to cope as a woman after catching the F-Virus off some skank he had picked up and had a sordid affair behind her back.
She taught him the fundamental things a woman needed to know to keep her body healthy and in good condition.
She taught him the basics of hair makeup clothes high heels and how to act like a woman.
She taught him how to get his body turned on.
She taught him how to masturbate.
She taught him what kind of toys to use.
She taught him how good it could feel to be screwed.
She taught him how to love her all over again.
She made it clear to him this time around she would be the man and he would be the woman.
He would have to do what she told him to do and take it whenever she wanted to give it to him.
Which did not bother him one bit because he loved being screwed by her and her dildo.

It looks lie a win-win!