Wednesday 8 May 2019

I don't like the taste!

Daniel with cum dripping out of his mouth looked at Scott and said:

Fuck sake man I told you not to come in my mouth!
I told you I don't like that bit!
I should never have trusted you when you said you would pull out before cumming!

Scott just look down at Daniel on his knees and said sorry babe but you just give such good head I could not stop myself.

Daniel looked up at his friend and said don't call me babe I might be a woman and I might like having sex with men but I am still a man inside.

Scott just looked down at him and said go and clean yourself up and I'll call you a taxi to take you home.

Which just made Daniel feel like he had just been used for sex.


  1. I LOVE this one. I really appreciate you and your work.

    1. Thank you for that DW.
      it's always good to know there's somebody who likes the little scribblings I do.


  2. Love this one! And I know that I am there to be used for sex!!
