Sunday, 5 May 2019

A real eye opener.....

Samuel was really enjoying his cultural exchange program apart from the fact that he was now a young woman and expected to do a young woman's role.

But despite that he was loving the opportunity to learn about the San Bushmen people and the way they lived in a way that just visiting them could not allow him to.

He was even looking forward to joining in with the other women in a fertility ritual tonight.

If only he knew he would end up at the end of it being married and expected to have a child he would not be so eager to join in.


  1. Love cultural swaps like this! How is she doing in his body in a first world country - caption followup?

    1. that's a good question I had not thought about doing one but I think I will look into it......


    2. Would really love a followup to this one, both sides!
