Wednesday, 3 April 2019

New girl.

Sarah did not care that her boyfriend was now her girlfriend.

She did not care that he was more girly then her now.

She did not care that he had longer legs, bigger breasts and a plumper ass then her.

She did not care that she was still the one doing all the work and putting in all the effort into when it came to sex.

As she was just grateful that they were still together after the great shift had giving him the body of a gorgeous sexy woman who could have any woman or man she waited.


  1. Can you do a caption about a guy named Shawn Who is washed up on a small island after a shipwreck and is rescued by a small village with only girls and the girls use some sort of drug to turn him into a sexy island girl and he becomes a member of the village

    1. thank you for taking the time to comment.
      I have added it to the list and I will work on it shortly.

