Friday 4 January 2019

We can do this as a couple: Requested by Anonymous.

Darren and Rebecca had been married almost 25 years at the time the great shift hit the Earth and turned their lives and relationship on its head.

They both ended up in the bodies of young ladies which for Rebecca was no problem but for Darren was a nightmare.

He did not want to be a woman.

He did not want to have to wear women's clothes.

He did not want to learn about make-up and hair and he definitely did not want to think about his new reproductive organs.

Which he was already having difficulty with seeing the body he had landed in was on her cycle which was an experience he could have done without and which he was sure he would never have survived without the love of his girlfriend.

They both agreed to make a go of things and see if they could be a lesbian couple.

Which was easier than they thought as it turned out the female bodies they landed in were quite sexual attracted to each other.


  1. IvI' got a idea for a new series. And magical trickster God visits a local school to course some mayhem. It has a deck of playing cards and each card has a gender and a role on it. So female milf, female stripper, male jock, male nerd, female goth, female cheerleader, male bady, female baby, female chubby and so on (you can come up with some others). The trickster leaves the playing card around the school and when someone picks them up they turn into what's on the card
