Thursday 10 January 2019

Trickster Part 1: Requested by Lady Stardust.

Loki was a trickster.

He was constantly meddling in the affairs of others, mostly for his own amusement.

One day whilst looking down on the Earth he decided to have a little bit of fun.

He turned himself into a young teenage lad so he could mingl with the population of a small midwest town in the United States without being noticed.

He followed some of the local kids to their high school and decided this was the perfect place to have some fun.

He pulled out a mysterious pack of playing cards each one with a different image on.

Passing a group of lockers standing against the wall he pushed several of the cards into several of the lockers and waited for them to be discovered.

The first person to discover a card was a 17-year-old boy who was enjoying the image on the cards so much he did not notice that he had transformed into it until somebody asked him who he was?


  1. Can't wait to see what happens to the next person to get a card

  2. Don't know how I managed to miss it but I've only just noticed the little bit of photoshopping on the playing card. Thats a nice little touch

    1. I try do a little bit of photo editing to my stories when I can
