Monday 8 January 2018

Tighten A with B before adding it to D?

Dennis now a heavily pregnant woman had given up on the idea of ever getting his life body or gender back.

He had no choice but to throw himself wholeheartedly into his new life which was a lot harder than he thought it was going to be physically and emotionally.

Everyday brought new changes and challenges he had to get used to.

Like not being able to tie his own shoelaces.

The aching back and swollen ankles.

Not to mention the huge breasts coupled with the constant need to pee and the overload of emotions that came with being thrown into the deep end of a new gender.

But the biggest emotional change he could not handle at the moment was his new nesting urge.


Which was why he found himself at 3 a.m. in the morning kneeling in what used to be his man cave but now was going to be his nursery trying to put a crib together with little success and hoping his friend Simon would not be too annoyed with him calling at this time in the morning for advice on how to do it as even when he was a man he was terrible at DIY.

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