Friday 12 January 2018

Not fun having a witch has a mother.

Albert's mother thought it would be a good idea to turn her son into a woman to teach him respect for women after she caught him trying to pressurise there neighbor's daughter into giving him a blowjob.

Albert was not happy with his punishment

He did not like being a teenage girl.

He did not like having boy crazy hormones rushing through his body which made him go wet at the sight of any hot teenage lad and he especially did not like mother nature's little visits.

So whilst his mother was out getting groceries he decided to have a look about & see if he could find what she had used to turn him into a woman.

He found a strange looking gold book underneath her bed.

He opened it and started flicking through the pages not understanding a single word of it until he came to a page titled

But the minute his fingers touch the page there was a pop behind him and he found himself with a tail.

Which his Mother when she got back from the shops only removed after he agreed to go to the summer dance as his cousins date which was something he definitely was not looking forward to doing.

But by now he was a little bit scared of what else his mother could do to him.

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