Monday 17 August 2015

The Talisman. Part 2. The Voyage to Salem.

It felt strange driving a car in a woman's body.

For starters he had to sit on but closer to the wheel.

The seat-belt rubbed uncomfortably on the breasts he now had.

I found his long hair distracting always falling in front of his eyes.

I typed in the address his sister had given to him into the car satellite navigation system.

It was going to take me 2 days to drive from Vegas all the way to Salem Massachusetts with an overnight stop in Bloomington.

About 4 hours into the journey I had to stop for a pee and fill up the car with gas.

As a man I never noticed the general cleanliness of public toilets but now only a few hours into being a woman I was not going to put my ass down on that seat and did my best to balance and hover over it.

You cannot imagine the feeling peeing as a woman after holding on for 4 hours.

I took a handful of toilet tissue and white splatter off my legs before reaching between my legs & wiping what I now had.

It was so sensitive down there so unlike my original equipment just rubbing a piece of toilet tissue against my clitoris sent shockwaves through my body.

I got back into my car and carried on driving to Salem.

It was getting dark by the time I pulled into the Best Western Bloomington. 

I went in and confirm my reservation.

Wants in the room I ordered room service and whilst waiting for it I took a quick shower as I was feeling sticky and gross.

I turned on the shower waiting for it to warm up.

I slipped out of my clothing and drop them on the floor.

It felt wonderful to be out of that bra.

I stepped into the shower unprepared for it.

It turned me on so much that I had to fight my new urges to play with myself.

About 5 minutes into the shower I heard a knock at my room door and a voice shout through room service.

I put on the complimentary bathrobe making sure my breasts were covered up.

I answered the door and quickly signed the chit and took the tray in.

I set down to my burger and fries with a beer.

For some reason I was not enjoying my meal.

After the meal I dried off my hair running a brush through it annoyed at how long it took to get it dry.

I pulled off the bathrobe and slipped on a clean pair of panties.

I tried to sleep but the bed sheets rubbing against my naked breasts made me feel so wet that I gave in to the off this body.

What a night to remember.

I discovered so many ways of pleasuring myself.

I finally worked out by women like foreplay before sex

As I discovered just sticking my fingers in my sticky wet hole was not the best thing.

In the morning I woke up sweaty and sticky.

I had to take another shower that made matters even worse.

I was so god damn horny.

I struggled into my bra and panties set.

Determined not to give in a once again.

But who was I kidding.

I  sat on the toilet.

I look down at my knickers. 

I started rubbing.

Then I pulled back panties which were now already wet.

I slowly inserted one finger which made me squeal like a pig.

It was just as good as last night.

I could not believe how incredible this was.

I could not believe women got anything done with one of these between their legs.

Before I knew it I had two fingers knuckle deep inside of me which made me scream and moan with pleasure like I had never done before.

God damn it why can I not control myself.

One day with a pussy and I'm already masturbating like a champ.

My body was hit by several aftershocks of pleasure as I came for the first time as a woman.


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