Monday 17 August 2015

The Talisman Part 1.

Me and my sister were very close when we were younger.

But as the years went on we slowly drifted apart.

We attended the same college but we hung out in different circles.

She was 2 years younger than me.

I was quarterback for the college football team and she was on the college newspaper.

I was spotted at a College football match by the Denver Broncos and signed up for a trial period when I left College so I was over the moon.

My sister got an internship at a local newspaper.

That was 5 years ago.

I am still with the Denver Broncos and she is now working for the Chicago Tribune.

She always felt that her gender was holding her back in the world of mainstream journalism.

She wanted to do important stories.

But she was sent to work on the women's section recipes gossip horoscopes and such like.

She was sent to do a story about the anniversary of the Salem witch trials.

She was not happy being sent out into the wilderness to do a story about something that did not interest her.

After talking to some of the local witches about the fascinating stories of witchcraft in the area she hit the local bar.

Later that night and 3 vodkas later she was sat at the hotel bar.

One of the ladies she was interviewing earlier came up to her and asked her what was up.

They got talking about all her problems and how she felt she was not being taken seriously just because she happened to wear a skirt and not trousers.

The woman my sister was talking to gave her a small package and said this is a powerful talisman handed down through my family.

Once you have used it it will disappear and return to me.

When you go to bed tonight put it under your pillow and think about the thing you want most in the world.

That's when my nightmare all started.

I was in Las Vegas on a gambling trip.

it was 2:45 a.m. when I decided to go to bed.

I had one too many to drink & I was feeling dizzy.

I staggered into my hotel suite and collapsed on the bed.

I woke up the next morning feeling sick and my head was pounding.

I climbed out of bed and felt an unfamiliar weight on my chest.

I staggered to the bathroom as the overhead light flickered into light I caught my reflection in the mirror.

I let out a piercing feminine screen.

The face I saw staring back at me was my sister's.

I staggered back to my bed and found my sister's cell phone.

After trying to dial my sisters number for about two minutes with my fingernails getting in the way.

I finally managed to dial it and I waited for her to pick up.

When the phone did finally answer there was a male voice at the other end.

I said in a voice that was not my own can I speak to Jessica it's her brother?

The man said stop joking around. 

with a voice like yours you are not Brian.

I said Jessica last night I went to bed as a man & this morning I woke up as a woman.

A woman that looks like you!

There was silence for about 2 minutes and then I heard oh shit what happened last night!

That's when my sister explain to me about the Talisman and what the witch had said.

I said stay in Salem I'll be there as quick as I can and hung up the phone.

I looked around the room for some clues to who I was.

There was a handbag on the dresser.

I opened it & tipped out the contents on the bed.

There was 2 condoms.
A set of house and car keys.
Lipstick and mascara.
2 Tampax and a purse.

From the purse I learnt I was now Chantelle White.

The last name was the same as before White but the first name was never mine.

I looked in the closet and found some clothes.

it took me about 10 minutes to just put on my bra.

I put on a pair of sweatpants & a T shirt and trainers.

I was not even going to attempt makeup or hair.

I threw the rest of the clothes into a suitcase I found on top of the wardrobe and weald it down to the elevator and down to the lobby.

I went to the front desk and ask for my bill.

The young man behind the desk asked me if I had a nice stay and handed me the bill.

I paid it with a credit card praying the pin was the same.

Somebody must have been listening as it was.

I went out to the valet and handed him my ticket for my car.

But in this body who knows what I was driving.

He brought round a silver soft top which made me smile and I set off.

End of part one.

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