Sunday 30 June 2024

Spring Break requested by RJ 30.06.24


RJ had gained quite a bit of weight over the winter.

He took a big gym membership and was going three days a week.

However, he did not see quick results and still felt out of shape.

Things really came to our head when his friends told him they were planning a Spring Break vacation.

He did not feel his body was shaped to be seen and he felt that women would find him repulses.

He saw an advert online for a new revolutionary fat-burning medication.

It guarantees results within two weeks of starting the treatment or your money back.

At this point, he was desperate to try anything and ordered it online.

When the medication came he followed the instructions and stuck to a daily dose of three tablets in the morning and two at night.

After the first week of medication fat disappears.

He felt healthy and then he had done in years.

There was just a slight bit of a problem.

The fat around his ass and hips seem to have not burnt away and every time he looks at himself in the miracle he was pretty short he was growing breasts.

Then things really started taking a turn for the bizarre when his hair rapidly grew his Faith became round of software his eyes became larger and he stopped having to say.

His legs feet arms and hands became delicate and feminine and he got an extremely curvy waste.

His voice went from being deep strong masculine to soft feminine and steeped.

He emailed the company several times to get a response from them.

Did his emails go unanswered?

He went to see his local GP when he woke up one morning and discovered his penis had gone in its place was a female vagina.

H to test scans and examinations doctors told him he was now not just externally a woman but internally.

They told him he would menstruate and could even get pregnant.

They told him the medication he had been taking was unregulated and unlicensed.

Not knowing what the full formula was or what effect it had on his DNA it could not be reversed.

He had this shocking realisation that he was now a woman and would have to get used to living life as a woman.

His friends tried to cheer him up and told him were at least you're a hot woman.

At least you've got a cracking buddy and a cracking pair of tits.

You'll have no problem pulling men and you will have more sex than you ever dreamt of.

Their words fell on deaf ears and he went into a deep depression.

He's spent all his time in his room masturbating and crying.

Then something inside of him snapped and he told himself to get a hold of himself.

Something inside of him told him that this was not the worst thing that had happened.

Something inside of him told him to get his ass again and tell his friends he would still be playing on spring break with them.

Before he knew it he was out of his mother's under his sister's buying new clothes bikini makeup underwear and shoes.

Before he knew it he had packed his bags and was heading off to Spring Break with his friends.

He was shocked and surprised when he handed him his suitcase to see his mother had slipped the packet of birth control pills and four packets of condoms into his luggage.

He was pretty sure he was not going to need them.

But the ministry was sectile to the beach in his bikini or eyes were on him.

Something inside of him told him to embrace this.

Somebody inside of him lived off the energy it gave him knowing he was being admired by so many men.

 I don't know why but all my friends Frank and the wonder who gets me wet.

I don't think it's love I think it's just sexual lust.

I think my mind was trying to tell me my body needs something I can't give it.

 I wonder if here I can get his attention?

I know he finds me attractive when I can see his handle from here.

I think I'll ask him if it's not too strange if he would like to pop my cherry?

Don't be embarrassed.

I want you to look at them.

I want you to touch them.

I want you to suck my nipples and make me wet.

I want you to take your cock out and fuck me before everybody gets back.

I want this to be special.

I want this just to be between you and me.

They can all have their own term later but I want you to be the first.

 Don't be afraid to slide it in.

By the end of the third day on vacation with his friends he had stopped fighting this nagging voice inside of in that told him to spread your legs and have fun.

Which of course is what he did and thanks to his mother he did not come back for a spring break with a Kinder Surprise.

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