Sunday 30 June 2024

I think she will suit me pretty well requested by Anonymous 30.06.24

17-year-old Tony's life was comfortable.

His mother and father were happily married.

His father earned good money.

They lived in a comfortable house in a nice secluded neighbourhood.

Then his father died in a car accident.

Thanks to his massive life insurance they would have no money worries for the rest of their lives.

After I was a year of grieving and mourning his mother started dating again.

She was dating an old man called Martin.

He lived five doors down from theirs.

He seemed a nice and respectful man when he met him.

He was sure the man had all the best intentions for his mother.

Little did he know that Martin was a shaped shifter.

Little did he know that he was planning on stealing his mother's body and fortune.

The only clue that anything was wrong was the day she came home and told him that she had broken up with Martin.

Three days later the police brought Martin's house looking for him.

He had just managed off the face of the Earth.

If only Tony knew that it was his mother who had disappeared he might have been a little bit more concerned.

As far as he knew nothing had changed.

Hi, it's me.

What do you think of the new body?

It went easy and I thought it would.

Nobody Suspects anything.

The only thing I have to deal with is her horrible for kids.

He's 17 so I think I'm going to shift your arm to a foreign College.

Certainly, you can come over.

Your male body is quite attractive.

If you bring chocolates and wine I might even open my legs for you.

Okay, see you at midnight.

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