Sunday 30 June 2024

Mr. Shift. Requested by Anonymous 30.06.24

Big fan of your work, If you let me could you make this request?

Matthew was your typical nerd and was always being bullied.

None of the teachers seemed to care and thought it would build character and strength and he had to stand up for himself.

The only person who helped him at school was the quirky janitor Mr. J R R Shift.

He soon discovered his best friend the janitor was born in he seemed to be.

He was a scarce and endangered species.

He is an ancient shapeshifter.

Mr Shift was happy to share his secret with him.

He found it liberating that somebody else knew his secret.

Matthew asked him to help him get revenge on his teacher and his classmates.

Matthew went home and left him to put his plan into our operation

Mr Shift transformed into Matthews's teacher just in case anybody saw him after hours in her classroom doing paperwork they would not question it.

He made sure her work was not up to standard.

He made sure every other student in the class got a failing grade.

The school was going to have a lot of work on their hands sorting this mess out he thought as he sat at her desk doing the paperwork.

After he was finished he decided that he would reward himself with a couple of hours enjoying this female form.

After fingering himself senseless he sat there naked watching the sunrise.

Before school started he headed back down to his basement office and transformed himself back into himself and got dressed for another day.

He discovered the joys of being a woman again.

He felt the familiar itch beneath his skin to become somebody else and start a new life.

He had been hiding for a long time now and it was time to get out into the sunlight.

He decided to take over Matthew's mother's life and dispose of her.

For one Matthew had told him she was not a nice woman.

She was not a loving mother.

She was very quick to anger and punish.

So he was pretty sure Matthew would love the change in her attitude.

He couldn't just turn himself into her and get rid of her he needed to do his research he was going to do this correctly.

So he decided to turn himself into her neighbour.

Especially Sarah's best friends.

It would be easy to get to know and get to know her routine and way of life in their skin.

After covering all the information he needed he decided it was time to become her.

He absorbed her body which allowed him to make a more stable copy which he could live in for longer.

He took over her life and started making subtle changes at first.

It was dangerous to change everything so quickly.

By the end of the week, Matthew was loving his new mother and his new home life.

The only sad thing now was that Mr Shift and been moved away to another school and he would not see him again if only he knew who was.

The teacher

The milf neighbor

The mom

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