Saturday, 14 December 2024

I cannot wait to meet my baby. by Rhodry

 Rhodry11/12/2024, 17:27

Samuel believed that the belief that females, girls, who get pregnant were their fault, if a girl gets pregnant she should come with the child, and it doesn't matter who's a fault. Samuel doesn't believe girls have the right to stop pregnancies. It was the man's right to decide it, no matter if the accident was or not. He said it, he believed it, so much it was law. He didn't believe that the clinic was a good idea. He believed that he was in the right. One day when he was pushing his belief that he could change them, to the right side, the better side. But fate, karma, or something else. What happened was to change my life. A bunch of women who believe that Samuel was a problem, even a danger. So they decided to do something about it. They decided to alter Samuel into a girl, a female. Fully physically, and biologically. The process was slow and it was a bit painful, the days, turned into weeks, and months. When it was complete, Samuel was a girl and he err she wasn't Samuel, she took the name Sara now. Now Sara would teach these girls how to be a proper woman. Sara dresses as feminine as possible. Sara thought she would be doing a service for them, but fate again. Show Samuel now Sara, was her hormones, was ragging about what that meant that she was horny. She wanted sex with any guys that she saw. To make a long story short. Several months, later Sara was pregnant, she didn't know which guy it was she had allot of guys. This was the best thing that happened to me. Will her sex drive calm down will she act like a girl that Samuel's version of it. Unknown, maybe

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